In a world that seems hell-bent on everyone being the same, dare to be different. Dare to
stand out and to make your personality known. You ought to be proud of everything that
makes you different and unique, and you should feel like you can express your
uniqueness anytime you have the opportunity. The thing is, there are a lot of areas,
especially areas of fashion, in which uniqueness is not celebrated the way we think it
should be.
At Herald Mulder, we are changing that. We are bucking the fashion world and setting a
new status quo. We are committed to making fashionable bags for men and women, and
as such, we have poured our hearts and souls into creating our dual lines of modern
bags. Standing out, standing up, and declaring loudly and proudly that the name Herald
Mulder means something. Look great, feel comfortable, and keep all your belongings
We started out with a line just for men, pioneering a dreadfully under-served market
segment, and then we branched into women’s bags as well. Both lines are characterized
first and foremost by fashion, color, and modernity. Struggling to find the bag that is right
for you? That meets all your needs? Something you can wear in every situation? Struggle
no more. We have the bag that is perfect for you, designed to keep all your gadgets and
personal belongings in one place so that you can move around the world looking neat,
looking fresh, looking like the successful, driven person that you are.
In the words of Herald Mulder himself, “Why carry around a Fiat when you can also walk
around with a BMW?” That’s the difference between a Herald Mulder and every other
bag: it’s the difference between good and great, between acceptable and exciting,
between “I guess this will do” and “I absolutely love it.”
Herald Mulder is a bag that completes you, radiating style and class, complementing
any outfit, fitting you like no bag has ever fit you before.
Wear it everywhere you go, because you can, because you want to.
This is the future unfolding before you,
and Herald Mulder is your companion
for every road ahead.
The Future Unfolding Before You